In this section...In Years 1 to 6, children are set homework on Microsoft Teams. Please see below video on how to access this:
Children in Years 1 to 6 will be set English and Maths homework every Friday (published at 9am). You should treat the deadline as Thursday evening (although it is technically set to close at 9am on Friday). Teachers will post answers to the previous week’s work each Friday so that you and your child can assess their understanding together. Teachers will check that children have completed these tasks and children who have not done so will complete this during breaktime on Friday. Of course we understand that there may be extenuating circumstances on occasion and ask that parents alert the class teacher if this is the case. As with last year, at the beginning of each half term, there will also be some optional activities linked to the children’s topic.
Children are expected to read regularly at home and we provide suitable reading books for each child to read as well as using Bug Club from Year 1 upwards. Parents and adults are encouraged to comment on their child's reading ability.
Websites to help with homework: